Funding Opportunities

Community Impact Grants

One year program grants that align with UWWC's target outcomes in Health, Prosperity, and Education will be awarded. Applications only for operating expenses will not be considered and UWWC will not partially fund proposals. We ask that all applicants give very careful consideration to the amount of funding that you request.  All applications should show a clear need for United Way funds, how the ask amount was derived and a plan for program sustainability. All other funding sources should be considered and included. Given that United Way dollars are limited and requests are many, all potential funding options for your program should be incorporated into the funding mix of any proposal.

VtSHARES Campaign

VtSHARES is a workplace giving campaign which offers Employees with the State of Vermont the opportunity to designate payroll deduction donations to specific non-profit charity organizations here in Vermont. United Way of Windham County acts as the umbrella organization for nonprofit organizations headquartered in and serving Vermonters within Windham County. Since its inception, the VtSHARES Campaign has raised over $9,000,000 to support nonprofit organizations in Vermont.

Other UWWC Resources

Funding is not the only UWWC resource! We are seeking to invest our varied resources (volunteer time, convening power, issue expertise, etc.) as wisely as possible to achieve maximum county-wide impact. Whether or not we can provide funding, your organization is a key resource in achieving our Community Impact goals – we look forward to building a positive relationship!  Please contact Ruben Garza at (802) 257-4011 x118 or ruben[at] for more information or with any questions.