VtSHARES: Vermont State Employees Workplace Giving Campaign
VtSHARES is the Vermont state employees workplace giving campaign. Green Mountain United Way works with a committee of state employees to organize this fundraising campaign each year. The campaign offers employees with the State of Vermont the opportunity to designate payroll deduction donations to nonprofit organizations serving Vermonters, including United Ways around the state and their partners. Each United Way, called an “Umbrella organization,” oversees the nonprofit organizations in their coverage area. United Way of Windham County acts as the Umbrella organization for nonprofits headquartered in and serving Vermonters within Windham County.
Each year, nonprofit organizations can apply to participate in the program. This year’s application is open from March 27 through April 28. All application materials are given below. Please send any questions to vtshares@gmunitedway.org or Kara Orfanidis, with United Way of Windham County at korfanidis[at]unitedwaywindham.org or 802-257-4011.
Eligibility criteria have changed and application processes have been updated. Please read the Application Instructions and Application (including the eligibility criteria) closely before applying.
Organizations must be incorporated 501c3 nonprofits and provide direct programs or services to Vermonters for one or more of the following areas:
Health and human services
Civil and human rights
Housing, shelter, emergency relief
Food and nutrition
Programs or services for Vermonters with special needs
Day, foster, protective, adoption, and shelter care for children, adults, families, and animals
Application Materials
Please review the application instructions document for full details on the application process. Nonprofits who participated in last year’s (2022) VtShares campaign can apply as a renewing nonprofit; those that did not participate last year can apply as a new nonprofit.
- Application Instructions (all nonprofits)
- Application - New Nonprofits (for those who did not participate last year)
- Application - Renewing Nonprofits (for those who did participate last year)
- Anti-Terrorism Compliance Letter - Fillable PDF Form
- In addition, there is a Google form to be filled out by each nonprofit, both new and renewing. Links to the form can be found in the application instructions.
- Lastly, new this year, nonprofits are invited to share an optional story (via the Google form) and photo (attached to your application). State of Vermont employees have given the feedback that they want to hear more about the work they are supporting. Green Mountain United Way and the VtShares committee will use this material in outreach materials. This is your organization’s opportunity to connect with potential donors and tell your story!
Organizations applying under the umbrella of United Way of Windham County please return applications to Kara Orfanidis at korfanidis[at]unitedwaywindham.org. For questions, please call 802-257-4011 x102.